Poisonous Deceit is a daring and timely work written by a top level Chinese Communist Party official in ex-President Jiang Zemin’s inner circle. This explosive and revealing book offers the reader a first ever, behind the scenes glimpse into the Party’s brutal and murderous crackdown on Falun Gong.
The author provides ample revealing insights into how and why his very own government is lying, deceiving, and fabricating its “evidence” against Falun Gong. He goes on to expose the so-called “self-immolation” incident in Tiananmen Square as “the greatest hoax ever to be perpetrated against the Chinese people in over 5,000 years.
This book is a must read for anyone interested in knowing the real truth about Falun Gong and the Chinese Government’s secret plot to frame, slander, and exterminate this popular world-wide spiritual movement.
How the Chinese Government(Literally)Gets Away with Murder by Lying, Deceiving, and Fabricating its “Evidence” Again Falun Gong
Poisonous Deceit is a daring and timely work written by a top level Chinese Communist Party official in ex-President Jiang Zemin’s inner circle. This explosive and revealing book offers the reader a first ever, behind the scenes glimpse into the Party’s brutal and murderous crackdown on Falun Gong. The author provides ample revealing insights into how and why his very own government is lying, deceiving, and fabricating its “evidence” against Falun Gong. He goes on to expose the so-called “self-immolation” incident in Tiananmen Square as “the greatest hoax ever to be perpetrated against the Chinese people in over 5,000 years.” This book is a must read for anyone interested in knowing the real truth about Falun Gong and the Chinese Government’s secret plot to frame, slander, and exterminate this popular world-wide spiritual movement.
This is a right to the point, no holds barred, tell-it-like-it-is, shocking expose’ which is guaranteed to leave you speechless! To avoid immediate and grave consequences for making this information available to the general public, the author has, for obvious security reasons, chosen to identify himself using only his pseudonym, (Mo Wen). ISBN 0-9731181-0-5
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